Sunday, October 31, 2010

"... A Day In The Life"

Sat today with a man in the throes of a strange mental breakdown. A normally very sound-minded, quiet-talking, very rational person, what comes out now is conspiracy, mix-and-match news and current events and a strong will that can be manipulated with carefully-planned talk. (By manipulate, I don't mean in a devious way; I am talking about a way to keep him safe without simply saying "no" all of the time.

It breaks my heart when someone I know and love has such a personality change; it's actually a little haunting. For me the haunting carries over to my own life. When will I reach this point? How will I act? Will know what I'm doing when I do it? I'm trying to learn all I can about what it's like to have Alzheimer's; at the beginning, at that point where that dance back and forth between reality and fantasy is suddenly danced on one side only.

Dancing back and forth.

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